Cooperation with the leading universities and Research Centers in Europe, CGFT has granted 2 million Euro from European Commission’s Marie Curie Research Education Network fund. The universities and research centers that have been formed in the consortium with the leadership of CEPR and ECGI are; Free University of Brussels, Center for Financial Studies (University of Frankfurt), University of Genova, Catholic University of Braban, University of Amsterdam, Center of Monetary and Financial Studies (Spain), SITE (Sweden), London Business School(UK), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, University of Alberta(Canada), Princeton University, Yale University, Mannheim University, Standard and Poor's(UK), Hermes Pension Management(UK), Telecom Italia, Harvard College and SU-CGFT.

In the project Director of CGFT-the only research center from a non EU country-Melsa Ararat is taking a place in consortium’s guidance commission. The Project envisions a co-operation for the education and guiding of postgraduates that have been chosen by consortium members for 3 years period. Consortium members are aiming researchers to reach a guiding and education facilities to achieve a competence for answering more complex questions in research centers. The workshop during the project will provide researchers’ studies to be discussed by the leading Corporate Governance researchers of Europe.

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