The Climate Change Program Report was released by Sabancı University Corporate Governance Forum with the main sponsorship of Çimsa and the reporting sponsorship of Deloitte on Wednesday, November 30, 2016 at Zorlu Performing Arts Center.
CDP, which provides a platform where companies can disclose their climate change for international corporate investors, is recognized as the most prestigious and widespread environmental initiative in the world. CDP Turkey 2016 Climate Change Report contains an analysis of the responses of 50 companies from Turkey.
Companies that correspond 50% of the total market value of BIST-100 companies explained to investors and other stakeholders how they manage climate change risks and opportunities through the CDP platform. 91% of these companies said that they integrated climate change into their business strategies, and 94% said that they discussed climate change at the senior and board level.
"CDP Global list" and "CDP Turkey Climate Leaders" Awards also found their owners in the event. 2 companies from Turkey have been able to enter the "CDP Global A List" this year: Arçelik and Garanti Bank. “CDP Turkey Climate Leaders” Awards have gone to Brisa, Coca-Cola İçecek, Çimsa, EKOTEN Textile, Migros, Pınar and Tofaş.
In the CEO Panel which was moderated by Hakan Çelik; the CEOs of the companies which entered the “A List” from Turkey Hakan Bulgurlu (Arçelik) and Fuat Erbil (Garanti Bank) were the speakers.
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