Five global organisations (CDP, CDSB, GRI, IIRC, SASB), whose frameworks, standards and platforms guide the majority of sustainability and integrated reporting, announce a shared vision of what is needed for progress towards comprehensive corporate reporting – and the intent to work together to achieve it.
Paul Simpson, CEO of CDP explains, “We are delighted to work with these peer organisations to develop this statement. Over the past 20 years at CDP, we have seen environmental disclosure move from being almost non-existent to fully mainstream. The 8,400 companies, representing over 50% of global market capitalisation, who disclosed through our platform last year demonstrate this and provide a structured data set to the market. With the world's largest corporate environmental disclosure repository, CDP is uniquely placed to showcase which data points align with which standards and taxonomies, and to continue to help companies, cities, states and regions to measure their environmental risks, opportunities and progress.” We believe that the conditions are ripe for the development of a market-based and globally coherent solution for sustainability disclosure standards. Climate change, the global pandemic and the increasingly clear connection between sustainability performance and financial risk and return are driving the urgency. Meanwhile, the increasing collaboration among the standard-setters and frameworks themselves offers an opportunity to greatly accelerate progress.
Please click here to read the statement; https://29kjwb3armds2g3gi4lq2sx1-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/Statement-of-Intent-to-Work-Together-Towards-Comprehensive-Corporate-Reporting.pdf