Alina İltutmuş, Project Assistant, Sabancı University Corporate Governance Forum
Alina İltutmuş is the Project Assistant of the Business Against Domestic Violence (BADV) Project conducted by Sabancı University Corporate Governance Forum (SU CGF). The project aims to raise awareness of domestic violence in the business world and empower private sector employees affected by it to actively engage in professional life.
Alina received her Master of Science (MSc) degree from London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) on International Relations with the Jean Monnet Scholarship of the European Union (EU). She focused on migration, European politics and the far-right during her study. After graduation, she worked as Membership Coordinator at the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS). She also attended the European Forum Alpbach 2023 as a scholarship holder.
She received her Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in International Relations from Middle East Technical University (METU). Alina also has experience providing research support as an intern at the Istanbul Policy Centre, Republic of Turkey - Ministry of Interior Presidency of Migration Management, and the Centre for Analysis of the Radical Right. She also completed an internship at Evreka, providing solutions for waste management.