The single largest cause of deforestation and ecosystem conversion globally is commercial agriculture. The production of key forest risk commodities also accounts for 10-15% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The unsustainable production and trade of these commodities present significant business risks, contribute greatly to GHG emissions, and have negative environmental impacts on land, water, and biodiversity.
The Accountability Framework initiative (AFi) was launched in 2017 as a response to NGOs calling for ‘the ethical supply chain’ – supply chains that protect natural ecosystems, respect human rights and support local communities. Since then, those NGOs have been joined by a far wider range of organisations, investors, commodity buyers, and governments, with the Accountability Framework representing commonly recognised best practice for addressing deforestation, conversion, and human rights abuses in agricultural and forestry supply chains. As a member of the AFi Coalition, CDP collaborates with other member organisations to provide clarity on best practice for corporate reporting to demonstrate progress toward eliminating deforestation and other forms of ecosystem conversion from their commodity supply chains. Acting on behalf of over 590 investors that represent over US$110 trillion in assets, and more than 200 large purchasing companies, CDP Forests provides a platform of action for companies to measure and manage forest-related risks and opportunities and transparently report on progress.
To amplify and clarify essential action and disclosure by companies, CDP aligned its 2020 Forests Questionnaire with the Framework’s principles, terminology, and guidance. Through this alignment, companies that adopt the principles of the Framework will be better able to report to and score well against, CDP. Companies that disclose comprehensively through the CDP forests platform will also be reporting effectively against the Framework itself.
Please click here to learn more about how the Accountability Framework has been used in the two years since its launch; https://accountability-framework.org/2-year-anniversary/