The third of biannual conferences organized by Emerging Markets Corporate Governance Research Network (EMCGN) and supported by Sabanci University Corporate Governance Forum(CGFT)  will be held in…

The report was written by a team headed by Melsa Ararat, the director of CGFT. The report is covered by the media in Turkey. The report series cover sustainable investment conditions in key…

Carbon Disclosure Project is one of the most prestigious global initiatives aiming to mobilize investment community and the world’s largest listed companies against the threat of climate change.…

The Second International Conference on Corporate Governance in Emerging Markets was held in Sao Paulo on 1-2 July 2009.

The conference hosted by AFD and Dünya will feature speakers from France and Turkey, renowned for their contribution to and expertise on the topic.

Turkey’s first International Relations Awards will be given this year. The Awards will be announced on the 28th May.

The Second International Conference organized by the Emerging Markets Corporate Governance Network will take place in Sao Paolo, Brazil. The First Conference was hosted by CGFT, Sabancı University…

The Second International Conference organized by the Emerging Markets Corporate Governance Network will take place in Sao Paolo, Brazil. The First Conference was hosted by CGFT, Sabancı University…

The criteria against which the ICGN Award is made takes into account whether or not the candidate has made:

- Exceptional achievements in the corporate governance field.


9th European Workshop on Corporate Governance and Investments will be hosted by CGFT (7-8 November).

Workshop Program and Papers


CGFT has completed the fourth year study of the disclosure practices of Turkish firms and announced the results to the press on the 18th of September 2008. The study is a joint effort of S&P…