Initiated by Sabancı University in January 2010 with the support of Akbank, the first year results of the Carbon Disclosure Project Turkey were announced at a meeting held in the Sakıp Sabancı…

The Project launch will be held at the Consulate General of the Netherlands on April 15, 2014.

European Professional Women's Network(EPWN), an online networking and leadership development platform for professional women, will be launched on 20th of November at The Sofa Hotel, Teşvikiye in…

The ‘Independent Women Directors’ Project, which aims to help publicly listed companies to give priority to women in nominating independent board members and help strengthen the position of women…

The Electronic Assembly System (E-GKS), which provides an electronic platform for electronic voting to the shareholders of listed companies in stock Exchange, has received ‘Best Use of Online…

Melsa Ararat, Sabancı University Faculty Member and the Director of Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) Turkey, was the guest of "Devre Arası" which is published in Bloomberg HT. The topic of the…

Melsa Ararat, Director of Sabancı University Corporate Governance Forum of Turkey, and George Dallas, Director of Corporate Governance at F&C Investments in London, wrote an article called “…

Melsa Ararat, the director of Sabanci University’s Corporate Governance Forum (CGFT) and the director of Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) Turkey joined Climate Bonds Initiative Advisory Panel along…

Fourth UN Conference on Least Developed Countries (LDCs) will be held in Istanbul Congress Center (ICC) on 10 May 2011. The conference is organized by UN Global Compact, UNEP Finance Initiative…

IFC supported  Emerging Markets Corporate Governance Research Network (EMCGN) issued its 2nd Research Bulletin.

50 companies falling under the ISE-50 indices have been invited by CDP Turkey in the year of 2010. 10 of those companies and a volunteer company responded to CDP’s invitation and presented their…