CDP Turkey's 2013 report was released by Sabancı University Corporate Governance Forum with the main sponsorship of Akbank and the reporting sponsorship of E&Y Turkey on November 26, 2013 at Sabancı Museum.

Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) conducted by the Sabancı University Corporate Governance Forum, in its third year with the support of Akbank in Turkey since 2010.

The third of biannual conferences organized by Emerging Markets Corporate Governance Research Network (EMCGN) and supported by Sabanci University Corporate Governance Forum(CGFT) were held in Seoul, Korea on 28-29 of May 2011.

The conference has been an activity of Emerging Markets Corporate Governance Network (EMCGN) with the attendance of 145 researchers from 30 countries.

Corporate Governance Forum of Turkey (CGFT) has organized an international conference in Istanbul on "Family Firms and Corporate Governance" on May 20-22, 2004