The Climate Change Program Report was released by Sabancı University Corporate Governance Forum with the main sponsorship of Çimsa and the reporting sponsorship of Deloitte on Wednesday, November 30, 2016 at Zorlu Performing Arts Center.

“The Second Women Directors Meeting" is held by Sabancı University Corporate Governance Forum of Turkey within the Independent Women Directors Project which aims to strengthen the boards of directors of the companies with female members.

As part of the Business Against Domestic Violance (BADV) Project, which is funded by the Matra Fund supported by the Government of the Netherlands and UNFPA, , the meeting held on Tuesday, December 9 at the Sabancı Center.

The Best Work Practices against Domestic Violence in Workplaces Workshop was held on Tuesday, November 4th at 13.30-17.30 in Sabancı Center.

The launch of the BADV project took place at the Consulate General of the Netherlands on Tuesday, April 15, 2014, with a roundtable meeting of names from the business world and academia.